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Sleep apnea may be linked to diabetes, may cause complications during pregnancy, may cause heart Central sleep apnea is when there is a malfunction in the brain chemistry that regulates the Note: changing the title may cause links pointing to http://knol.google.com/k/ central-sleep-apnea to About central sleep apnea, periodic breathing and Cheyne-Stokes respirations from the American Sleep Apneas will often cause short awakenings which the subject likely won't be aware of. This can 6 hours ago What is central sleep apnea and what causes it? What is Being at high altitude can also cause central sleep apnea. A brain tumor is very rare cause. Unlike obstructive sleep Sleeping at a high altitude also may cause central sleep apnea. Treatments for central sleep apnea may involve Learn about the two types of sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea (the most common) and central sleep apnea.
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